The Sea


June 2 to 29, 2017

Opening Reception:  Friday, June 2nd, 5:30 – 7:30 pm


For an island nation, we sometimes take our surrounding ocean for granted. But these three artists focus on it directly, spotlighting various aspects, each using different approaches and techniques.

While most of sculptor Rachel Joynt’s work is large scale and site specific, her smaller work here comprises of bronze sea forms,  fragile life forms that live in unpolluted pockets of ocean. Sand dollars, star fish and sea urchins, small and fragile, take on permanence and significance in bronze.

Painter Mary Lohan’s recent seascapes are not direct representations but capture the essence of looking at the sea from land or the land from the water.  They focus on the wide horizon, the contrast between land and ocean, and the shoreline is incidental.

Painter Gwen O’Dowd’s work has always been deeply rooted in the tradition of landscape painting.  For years she has explored themes of the water in motion, particularly the effervescent, powerful force of waves against the edges of land, on cliffs and caverns.

The images below are some of the work for the upcoming exhibition.  For details, click on the individual thumbnail image.  More images will be added closer to June 2nd, so do check back!